The Captain wears this hat 16 hours a day 7 days a week. The hat is how people in Marathon, recognize Andrew in a crowd or from a distance. The hat is how I identify him in a store when he strays with the cart, from the aisle I'm shopping on. Andrew's wandering generally occurs when I have heavy items to put in the cart.
Fortunately we have a shopping rule. When we shop together neither of us can stray more that
25 feet or two aisles from the other. This rule has served us well for over 20 years even though I have to lug stuff in search of the man with the cart.
On January 15, 2010 the Captain and I went grocery shopping. I was trying to decide what soda to buy when Andrew strayed. I picked two 12 packs and began looking for him. I searched the entire super store twice carrying the darn soda. There were twenty men with the same build, beards, wearing shorts and t- shirt. Where was the hat?
I decided to return the soda to the shelf. When I looked up I saw a familiar but hat less head smiling at me from the end of the soda aisle. It was Andrew.
He swears he never left the aisle. Andrew doesn't know why he took off the hat. He also doesn't know why he let me get off the bus yesterday EITHER!
It's a beautiful day in Paradise so I take a deep breath, tuck the incident into my memory banks and congratulate him on the HAT TRICK.