The sun is setting closer to the point. In a few weeks we'll have a fantastic view.

While the sun set the

moon was
rising on the other side of the dock .

We bought a wooden tray to keep fruit in. Andrew couldn't resist arranging the pieces on tray.

02.09.10 we had a few
Loopers over for a barbecue at Harbour Cay Club. The group included 12 golden L
oopers (completed the loop at least once), 39 current L
oopers and 6 crashers (want to do the Loop someday).

02.19.2009 The
HHC crew was getting too serious about finding a slow water leak. When they took a break I asked Andrew to put our rat mascot into one of the holes.

Ed saw the rat first, although Bill was looking in the hole for about 2 minutes.

Ed faked a fright while Bill laughed. They are going to miss us when we leave.

We went to a
Looper's get together at Banana Bay. Just say food and they will come and so will

the dirty dozen of ducks at Banana Bay.
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