They build very large nests and return to the same nest annually
Cumberland Island
Howard and Diana aboard C-Horse invited us to dinghy over with them to the park.
We had a map which showed the names of trees and plants along the River Trail. I didn't read the map because Howard told me to watch out for snakes. So let's call this tree the Howard Tree.
View of Freedom , a snake free environment, from the island.
The stuff hanging from the tree is Spanish Moss. The moss is actually a plant related to the pineapple. I must have read that somewhere.
An armadillo give Andrew his rear view
River side of the Cumberland Island
Road down a tree hammock
There are many wild horses on the island.
This mansion is known as the Dungeness. It was built in the mid 1880's for Thomas and Lucy Carnegie.
Andrew and I sitting in front of the ruins.
Armadillo on The Dungeness lawn
Rear of property
The fountain
It would have been cool to attend a party at The Dungeness
Diana and I waiting or watching the horses
Wild Turkey
Colt gives the Captain his rear view
Art shot according to Andrew
Albino deer rear shot
Sand dunes
Ocean side of Island
large star fish Howard found
Horseshoe crab Andrew found
Small star fish I found
I dug a conch shell out of the sand. The creature was still alive so I through it back in the ocean.