04.11.2010 we anchored at Jensen Beach on the south side of the causeway. It offered little protection from the 15 to 20 MPH wind. I know how my permanent press clothes must feel when I wash them on the regular cycle – wrinkled and twisted. I’ll need ironing in the morning!

04.12.2010 A Golden Looper hail us and directed us to a good holding area at Dragon Point

That mashed up green iron on the shore line was once a dragon statue.

This structure must have been grand in her day. I don't know why the town hasn't renovated both items.

We saw a rainbow on our way out of the anchorage.

Hey look another American Tug is following us!

Forgotten"s Captain is Robert Hall. He is from Canada and has a dog and cat on board.

Hey Andrew, look where Robert keeps his fenders. We need to move ours.

Oh, honey, I think I see our next boat.

The small one in the middle will do nicely.
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