O7.10.2010 we anchored in Champlain Monument Island with Monkey Girl and Blue Yonder. When boats past by it got rocky. The water was calm during the overnight. 4 of us slept well. Blue Yonder’s crew awoke at 2 a.m. and saw that their boat had swung around, very close to Monkey Girl’s stern. That ended the possibility of sleep for Pete. He kept watch until the rest of us woke up.
07.11.2010 we stayed at St Amant’s Inn and marina in Britt. Monkey Girl and Blue Yonder stayed at Wrights Marina. The boaters at both marinas were enthusiastic about giving us information on their favorite Georgian Bay anchorages. Tut didn’t like it because two large dogs liked sitting on the dock by the stern of our boat.
07.12.2010 we anchored in Bustard Harbour. It was wonderful. We were surrounded by clear water and pristine rock islands. We picked wild blueberries, kayaked and chatted with boaters downstream.
Greg, do you remember when we picked blueberries in NH? We were laughing at Andrew’s determination to fill his container. If memory serves, our containers never did get filled. “Is there life on other planets”?
07.13.2010 Andrew and I went exploring Bustard Islands in our kayaks. We entered a pool which had a narrow passage to another pool which eventually led to the main body of water. We felt like Lewis and Clark as we inched our way through shallow water between large protruding rocks spaced barely the width of our kayaks. There was so little depth that our crafts left their marks on the rocks below.
A baby duck peeped frantically for its mother as we made way into their normally deserted territory. He or she swam quickly then scooted over rocks in the shallows. Later the mother duck and her 4 ducklings floated within Andrew’s reach. Their mother was giving them a lesson is bravery or possibly defiance.
When we returned Bustard Harbour Blue Yonder and Monkey Girl were at the anchorage. Pete stern tied his boat to a tree to prevent swinging and ensure a good night’s sleep.
Andrew and Bill went bait fishing. Andrew was reaching over with a crab net to get bait Bill was snorkeling to catch. Andrew stretched too far and lost his balance. He fell into the water dumping the contents of his kayak which included his only three sips consumed vodka and tonic. He was not injured.
A Canadian Couple, Don and Crystal (hope that was right) came aboard for happy hour. Everyone brought something to munch on. Then we went out in kayaks and dinghies to watch the sunset. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day.
07.11.2010 we stayed at St Amant’s Inn and marina in Britt. Monkey Girl and Blue Yonder stayed at Wrights Marina. The boaters at both marinas were enthusiastic about giving us information on their favorite Georgian Bay anchorages. Tut didn’t like it because two large dogs liked sitting on the dock by the stern of our boat.
07.12.2010 we anchored in Bustard Harbour. It was wonderful. We were surrounded by clear water and pristine rock islands. We picked wild blueberries, kayaked and chatted with boaters downstream.
Greg, do you remember when we picked blueberries in NH? We were laughing at Andrew’s determination to fill his container. If memory serves, our containers never did get filled. “Is there life on other planets”?
07.13.2010 Andrew and I went exploring Bustard Islands in our kayaks. We entered a pool which had a narrow passage to another pool which eventually led to the main body of water. We felt like Lewis and Clark as we inched our way through shallow water between large protruding rocks spaced barely the width of our kayaks. There was so little depth that our crafts left their marks on the rocks below.
A baby duck peeped frantically for its mother as we made way into their normally deserted territory. He or she swam quickly then scooted over rocks in the shallows. Later the mother duck and her 4 ducklings floated within Andrew’s reach. Their mother was giving them a lesson is bravery or possibly defiance.
When we returned Bustard Harbour Blue Yonder and Monkey Girl were at the anchorage. Pete stern tied his boat to a tree to prevent swinging and ensure a good night’s sleep.
Andrew and Bill went bait fishing. Andrew was reaching over with a crab net to get bait Bill was snorkeling to catch. Andrew stretched too far and lost his balance. He fell into the water dumping the contents of his kayak which included his only three sips consumed vodka and tonic. He was not injured.
A Canadian Couple, Don and Crystal (hope that was right) came aboard for happy hour. Everyone brought something to munch on. Then we went out in kayaks and dinghies to watch the sunset. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day.
There is more than one way to go swimming, right Andrew! Glad you didn't get hurt.
Great picture of the sunset Sallyann!!
ReplyDeleteI'm like a fish!