09.18.2010 Lisa and Joe traveled 44 miles down the Mississippi with us to Hoppies. It was Joe’s first time in a lock and he was feeling uneasy about the experience. Joe, who rides a Harley, built his own hot rod, and goes mud bogging, concerned about a lock through?
In the Mel Price Lock Joe was assigned the stern line. He stood there holding the line prepared to carry out his duty, to pay it out as the boat descended. Lisa and I teased him about how the water leaves the chamber. He didn’t believe Lisa’s story about lock having a plug and the water swishing down and out like in a toilet. However, the water rapidly dropping out of the chamber did appear to concern him.
We waited 20 minutes in the lock behind a tow boat. Joe anticipating the worse only to be told that the lock chamber was inoperable. We were asked to more to the next chamber.
The Tow boat moved out first churning up debris.

Lisa and me enjoying the moment.

Joe takes the wheel

Joe manning his station at the Chain of Rocks Lock

The Arch in St Louis

Observation windows

Joe and Lisa relax between locks.

Lisa and Joe at the
Chain of Rocks lock 
My hand, Lisa and Joe

Tut lets Joe rub his neck

St Louis

Lisa, The Arch and Tut
Joe works nights so he needed at nap. As he was drifting off the captain announced that a Hooters vessel was approaching us. Joe lifted his head and opened his eyes slightly. In disbelief he dropped his head back down and smiled. Lisa and I bantered about the girls on the hooters vessels and their varying states of undress. Joe's smile faded as his eye movement increased in rem sleep. Too bad really because we have Hooter pictures that can't be put on the blog.
Perhaps next time Joe you'll stay awake.

Tut didn't give a hoot about Hooters it was nap time.

Hoopies Marine Service is the only Marina for 228 miles. It an old barge connected to land by a walkway.
Joe and Lisa left us at this point. We had a fun day and lots of laughs.

The outside of the steel barge is covered with carpet to help prevent scratches to vessels.
We by past Hoppies in 2007 so we stopped here for the experience. The owner, Fern is very knowledgeable about this part of the loop.
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